Feeling Overwhelmed in College?

Posted: April 12, 2024 | Author: Lindsey Wessling | Read Time: 3 minutes

A group of students study in the library.

Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, social life and personal responsibilities can sometimes feel like juggling too many balls at once. College can be the best four years of your life, but to be honest, not every day will feel like the best day ever. It is totally normal to feel overwhelmed. When the stress hits, it is easy to shut down or feel lost. However, you are never stuck. Here is a game plan for helping you cope with stress before it becomes overwhelming.

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Stress does not have to ruin our lives and experiences. Feeling overwhelmed is common, especially in a fast-paced college environment. Therefore, it is important to correctly manage these feelings when they occur.

Tip #1: Take a Break

When the weight of your responsibilities feels like too much to handle, the most effective action you can take is to step back and breathe. Taking a break does not mean giving up, but rather giving yourself a much-needed rest. Whether it is a moment of meditation, a short walk or getting lunch with friends, a good break can help reset your stress levels. Once you have the chance to reset, your challenges will most likely seem more manageable.

Tip #2: Create a To-Do List

The simple act of writing down what you need to do can be a game changer. Creating a to-do list of your tasks will help you form a clear action plan. Begin your list by jotting down everything on your mind. Then prioritize the tasks based on urgency and importance. Putting your tasks into writing will get them out of your head, and you will be more likely to get everything you need done.

Tip #3: Keep Going

When you are feeling overwhelmed, persistence is key. Even though it is difficult, small steps lead to big results. Focus on what you can do in the moment, rather than the stressful big picture. Momentum is powerful, and once you start checking off your to-do list, you are proving to yourself that you can do it!

How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed

Understanding how to handle stress when it hits is important, but it is even better if you can stop that overwhelmed feeling before it even starts. Below are a few steps you can take from the beginning to keep from feeling swamped. By staying ahead of stress, every challenge can be manageable.

Tip #1: Stay Organized

Staying organized is the single most important way to avoid stress. There are many ways to stay organized, including planning ahead and keeping a tidy workspace. Keep an updated calendar or agenda so you can stay up to date with all of your responsibilities and events. There are so many great digital planners or apps that are easy to use as well. Knowing what is coming up and being prepared for it can reduce the likelihood of becoming overwhelmed.

Tip #2: Don’t Get Behind

Procrastination and feeling overwhelmed go hand in hand. The more you delay tasks, the more they pile up, until it feels too daunting to continue. By staying on top of your responsibilities and workload, you can avoid this buildup. If you find yourself falling behind, make adjustments as soon as possible to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Tip #3: Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is the most important way to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Self-care includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising and participating in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Neglecting your physical or emotional needs can increase stress and decrease your ability to handle difficult situations. Taking care of yourself is necessary for your personal and academic success.

In conclusion, navigating college life does not have to feel like an uphill battle. By implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage and even prevent stress from taking over. With the right approach, every challenge can become an opportunity for growth.

Tags: CurStu Health and Wellness

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