
MySUUVoice is a platform for you, the student, to be heard by the university. The Southern Utah University Student Association (SUUSA) carefully reads and analyzes each submission. If prompted, a SUUSA officer will reach out to you about your concern and move forward with resolving the issue. SUUSA works with faculty and administration to give students a voice in university decisions. So please, fill out the form and share your feedback

How to Use MySUUVoice

Select the Share your Feedback Button below to be directed to a short survey. Fill out your submission and the appropriate demographics. If you wish to remain anonymous, don't fill out the name or email section and select "no" to meeting with a SUUSA officer. However, if you do wish to meet with an officer and move forward with your voice, fill out your name and email and select yes to meeting with an officer and we will reach out to you within 2 business days.

Share Your Feedback

SUUSA Opinion Surveys

Canvas Questionnaire

Faculty are looking for student feedback on the Canvas system and the expectations of professors to use the system.

Share your Feedback on Canvas