Web Liaisons


The Web Liaison program was created to assist Web Services with the management of the content on the SUU website. (thousands of pages, images, pdfs, etc.) 

To help us monitor accuracy, we require every department have a Web Liaison. The role of the Web Liaison is to ensure the correctness and timeliness of their unit's information on the web and provides a single point of contact with which Web Services can coordinate efforts. All web modifications should be done through this person.

Every department member needs to know their liaison, every liaison needs to know how to contact Web Services and Web Services needs to maintain a list of every liaison. If the liaison leaves SUU, a new one needs to be appointed as quickly as possible. The Department Chair is responsible for appointing and informing Web Services the name of their Web Liaison.

Web Liaisons should be full time employees of the university. A student employee may be appointed with the caveat that the Chair is closely monitoring and informs Web Services of this appointment.


  1. The main responsibility of the liaison is to ensure that a department's website contains accurate and current information. They do this by regularly scanning all departmental content and making any corrections if needed. At a minimum, all pages within a department's site should be checked at the beginning of each semester to help ensure the integrity of the content.
  2. The liaison acts as the main contact between Web Services and their department, and all Web modifications should go through the liaison. If Web Services has a question about that department’s Web site, Web Services will contact the liaison. If someone in the department has a question about the department’s website, they should contact their liaison and the liaison will contact Web Services. This is to prevent multiple people requesting Web Services to repeatedly change the same information.

Special Notes for Academic Department Liaisons

Academic department liaisons are also responsible for ensuring that pages within SUU's Academics site are accurately reflecting their department's offerings. Specific pages to check:

  1. Program Finder
  2. Masters Degrees

Processing Updates:

There are two options for how the liaison can complete their duties:

  • Method I: The liaison can send updates to Web Services to process. - Sending Web Updates
  • Method II: The Web Liaison can receive access to update the department’s web content themselves. The liaison must follow the SUU web style guide and understand basic authoring issues (such as file size, image optimization, accessibility for those with disabilities, as well as other issues). Edits will be made using Cascade and training will be available. - Request Cascade Access

Who are the Web Liaisons?

Web Services maintains a spreadsheet of who the assigned Liaison is for each area. To view the list you must be logged into your SUU account.