Social Work Field Experience

FLHD 4890: Internship

Social Work at the Bachelor's level is a licensed profession in Utah. Practitioners must be able to apply professional knowledge, values, and skills ethically. Practice courses provide skill development activities in order for students to develop skills such as interviewing and assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

During their senior year, students complete field education during the fall and spring semesters. Students are assigned to social services agencies by the Field Director, with consideration of the student's interests and learning needs, and the availability of field agencies. These field education provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills learned in classes to real-life situations with clients. Field Practicum students are supervised and guided by professional social workers in agencies in order to ensure that they have productive educational experiences.

The BSW program expects students to exemplify professional and ethical behavior in accordance with current professional social work standards. The BSW program expects all students to obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, perform contractual obligations, maintain absolute integrity and high standards of individual honesty in academic work, and observe a high standard of conduct within the academic and professional environment. In short, a student enrolled in the program accepts the obligation to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner acceptable at an institution of higher learning and within the social work profession.


Internship Permission Form

Internship Agreement Contract